It’s important to be conscious of your belief systems. There seems to be a lot of talk regarding beliefs, but today, Epic Share is breaking down beliefs into three categories: neutral, positive, and negative. To transform your beliefs into power, you need to first understand how negative beliefs impact you.
Neutral beliefs have no judgements behind them. They are black, white, and grey. Positive beliefs are beneficial in some way. Maybe you think having a glass of wine relaxes you; relaxation is a benefit, and so this is a positive belief. There are many examples of neutral and positive beliefs you experience in your day-to-day life. However, the focus should be on negative beliefs because those are what are really stopping you from moving forward. You need to be able to shift and transform your negative beliefs into powerful ideas.
Sammy once believed black cats were bad luck, but when she started the path to take control and move away from being the victim, she began analyzing her previous beliefs. She learned the black cat as a sign of bad luck was something she picked up from her father. From a young age she wholeheartedly believed black cats meant something terrible would happen, but her analysis of this belief brought her the chance to ask her dad why he believed black cats were bad luck. His response was, “I don’t know. My dad told me they were.” Generations pass down the beliefs we hold today. Sometimes there is no purpose. It simply gets inherited through the generations.
Kosta adopted a belief with true value from his parents: you can achieve anything you want. If you set your mind to it, you can have anything you desire. Kosta is a true testament to that concept. This concept helped him analyze and understand the belief system surrounding his culture and family; today, he has his own set of beliefs, which he views as a reason for his success. Being able to shift your mindset to accept changes to your belief system can help you overcome your limitations.
It’s important to recognize everyone has their own belief system. Everyone processes information differently and overcomes hurdles differently. Before every live show, Kosta and Sammy have a brief discussion about the concept; this week, they discovered something about each other: Sammy overcomes negativity through affirmations. Kosta, however, prefers to take physical action.
If someone were to tell you, “You’re not good enough,” how would you react? Sammy would create internal affirmations and remind herself, “I am beautiful. I am wonderful.” These affirmations would be a tool to shift her consciousness and build confidence before moving forward. Kosta, on the other hand, would use that negative comment as the fuel for his motivation to go above and beyond expectations. If someone told him he was not destined for success, he would go out and make success happen! Both are acceptable and effective ways of overcoming differences in opinions and beliefs. It all depends on your methodology and how your heart and mind work.
The key to being successful is to learn how to adapt and transform negative perspectives into positive ones. It’s very simple. All you have to do is shift your negative belief systems into positive belief systems. This is a transition everyone experiences in life. At the end of the day, we’re human. It’s in our DNA to want to grow and develop.
Question everything. Sammy asked her father where the idea of black cats as bad luck came from, and discovered it had no purpose and no truth; this doesn’t mean her realization is a universal truth. It means, for her, the black cat was not a sign of bad or good luck. She realized it was an easy belief to transform because she took the time to analyze what it really meant to her.
Quite often we make assumptions without having any facts. If you are a fact-based individual like Kosta, you need to have proof behind information. It doesn’t mean you never make decisions without facts; sometimes you might still assume things. The difference between someone who accepts assumptions and someone who transforms them is whether they dive into the facts to understand assumptions and turn them into truth. Get to the bottom of your assumptions to understand what they’re doing there and if you even need them.
When you accumulate a negative belief, shift it to positive! When you do this, there’s much more you’re allowing yourself to have in life. Assumptions limit people’s ability to grow, to be happy, to be successful, and to prosper.
Assumptions are much like a disease, but people who are happy and successful have learned how to quickly filter through assumptions and negative beliefs. Society simply doesn’t ask as many questions as it should. If someone says something, people believe it. Kosta and Sammy are confident their seven-year-old grandson would ask the question, “Why is the black cat bad luck?” This is because he has learned how to question the world around him and form positive beliefs.
Kosta believes there is no such thing as luck, good or bad. Luck stands for “labor under correct knowledge.” If you put in the work and you have the knowledge, it’s guaranteed you’ll be lucky every single time.
Any success is founded on consistency. Kosta discusses this concept in his book, “Organic Networker” and in his trainings. It’s important to be consistent in whatever you do.
What’s important is truth. Truth might differ for everyone, but the methods of finding positive beliefs is the same. Keep up with these steps to frequently check-in with your belief systems; challenge yourself to transform every day.