“The greatest distance in the world is just 14 inches: from the mind to the heart.” – Unknown
The heart and the mind don’t always agree; in fact, they usually disagree. Consider how your heart and mind would react to a store having the following promotion: free shipping on sales over $75. Your heart would say, “Free shipping! Let’s do it!” Meanwhile, your mind would say, “No way! We are not spending that much for free shipping!” This is why balance between the two is important.
Sammy comes 100% from her heart when communicating and making decisions; however, being in a relationship was an eye-opener for her. She came to a realization: you need your mind to make decisions and you need your heart to love. Kosta, on the other hand, makes most of his decisions from his mind, not his heart. He considers himself to be on the business side of decision-making. This is why they’re known as a yin-yang couple. They are reverse versions of each other, but there is a balance between them. When it comes to business and common sense, Kosta is the master; when it comes to intuition and emotional understanding, Sammy is queen. She brings heart into his business, just as he brings realism into her dreams. This doesn’t mean one or the other is right or wrong. A balance is what’s needed.
Learning how to balance the heart and mind is a difficult, but important skill to have. Balancing your heart and mind will help you internally, in your relationships, and when you’re making decisions.
Sometimes Sammy needs Kosta’s advice to make a decision. She comes from the heart and is able to stay in the heart vibration because she knows Kosta is there to protect her with his mind; it’s guaranteed his common sense will help her. Additionally, when doing events and seminars, Sammy looks to Kosta for his assistance behind the scenes. Her reliable advice from Kosta is why she says, “Follow your heart, but don’t forget to take your brain with you.” Balance is about helping each other. It’s a give and take.
Your heart and mind should work from a position of goodness. It’s helpful to have someone you can discuss your heart and mind’s goals with. When Sammy has a heart-centered decision she wants to make, Kosta brings his mind and advises her through communication. He asks, “What is your intention?” This is because when you make a decision from the heart, you must make sure the outcome is something you want. Many times, when you come from the heart, an outcome might not make sense. Epic Share breaks it down into three situations:
- If it feels right and it makes sense, move forward.
- If it feels wrong but it makes sense, pause and investigate.
- If it feels right but it doesn’t make sense, ask your mind to trust your heart.
Whether you are the heart or the mind in a partnership, you can trust your intuition and gut feeling. You just need to train your mind to believe in your heart.
When you have an idea and it comes from the heart—whether it’s saving the world or starting a business—approach your mind. You need realistic advice, facts, and purpose. Otherwise, you’ll have no direction. You can’t save the world if you can’t save yourself first.
Understanding what your weaknesses are and why you have them can shed light on the direction you must take to improve the balance between your heart and mind. Communication is a weakness many people have, for example. If you feel you don’t understand others very well, remember you have two ears and one mouth, so focus more on listening than talking. The heart and mind have different functions, but they need each other. Don’t think to yourself, “I am the mind. That’s all I have.” You need your heart and your heart needs your mind. Keep an eye on your emotions so you don’t over or under express.
Another common weakness is jumping into situations without thinking or feeling first. In this case, remember to put your heart and mind to work! Don’t be afraid to ask each other for help. At the beginning of their relationship, Sammy was afraid to ask for help because she thought Kosta’s personality was too strong for her heart-centered self. However, when they got to know each other, they realized they were together for a reason. You can learn from your partner. Sammy and Kosta are not the only yin-yang couple in the world. Many couples are opposites. You just have to learn how to adapt to each other, how to work together, and how to interlace your skills. Couples aren’t the only ones who can balance each other though; friendships, family bonds, business colleagues all have different personalities that complete each other. If you’re a master at something, look for the opposite master and ask for advice.
When Sammy and Kosta ask each other for advice, they listen 100%, but sometimes they don’t take the advice they were given. This doesn’t mean the advice they shared wasn’t helpful. It means they were able to consider a different perspective before making a decision with their heart and mind. Perhaps the next time you are struggling to balance your heart and mind, you just need to hear all sides of the situation. Be open to other ideas and remember to always keep your heart and mind in harmony.